Coming Soon!
We will unleash all the latest secrets on how to merchandise to drive sales. You will learn how to:
Create the path to purchasing with key insights on how customers buy and some of the science behind consumer psychology
How to let your merchandising tell your story
Learn strategies to create immersive and engaging displays that foster positive customer experiences
This is a self-paced, three module course including (to die for) worksheets so you can savour and apply all the great tips you learn.
so, how much will it cost?
Register now for first dibs notification when the course is available Oct 21, 2023
We love early birds!
Sign up BEFORE Oct 2, 2023 for $129 $159 and you won’t pay until Oct 21, 2023!
Add a virtual tour of your store with a one-hour, 2:1 consult with both Lisa & Janet for $250 if purchased separately, $159 if purchased with the course.