Coming Soon!
Anytime is the right time to learn new ways to help you increase your sales. In this 3 module self-paced course (with simply fabulous worksheets), you will learn:
Pricing and sales strategies that capture the customer
Industry benchmarks and best practices (which includes cool things like what should your sales per square foot be? What should the ratio of rent vs expenses be?)
Creative ideas and strategies to not only increase traffic but increase sales
How to talk to your customers
so, how much will it cost?
Register now for first dibs notification when the course is available Oct 21, 2023
We love early birds!
Sign up BEFORE Oct 2, 2023 for $129 $159 and you won’t pay until Oct 21, 2023!
Want a one hour 2:1 coaching call to make sure your plan will increase your sales? Let’s chat! $250 if purchased separately $159 if purchased with the course.